Progress session

~45minutes $50

1:1 session
Often follow up sessions after a 'Re-fresh' session.
These are for clients that are on a good path but need support. Fine tuning their maintenance lifestyle. Dealing with minor blips.
Re-assessing. In depth check ins.

Hours of service Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri : 10-11am, 1-2pm,7pm-8pm Saturday: 11am-2pm

Note: there is no one size fits all approach, some people may find 1 or two sessions enough and others will be longer, I'll give an example of a fairly long progress plan to give an idea of the structure. I would like to re-iterate that the health coaching process is all about the client gaining knowledge & independence, not endless appointments!

2 weekly sessions then 2 bi-weekly sessions and 2 monthly sessions

3 weekly sessions, 4 bi weekly and 3 monthly

1 monthly session 4 X a year

4 weekly sessions and 6 monthly sessions

Can a new client just book a progress session?
Yes, for example a new client that has already got a treatment plan or focus & goals sorted but needs a check in that their health pro doesn't provide, you are most welcome to use the progress sessions to fill the support gap.
Just be aware the first session summary will not be the in depth type that a refresh session gets.