
BREATHING! Hā ki roto/breathe in, Hā ki waho, breath out.
So incredibly simple, often seen as too easy but hands up anyone who does try breathing excersises now and again and always shocked by what happens?

(I've got both my hands up btw)

I'm always suprised by how I feel from breathing excersises especially during any physio and regular excersise.
Then there is the nose breathing practice!

Obviously I'm no expert so I'm going to direct you to some resources that are!
Warning: Remember to check with a Dr or seek a professional breathing specialist if you have asthma or any illness that affects the lungs or heart before taking on a nose breathing regime.

James Nestor 'Breath' : quick vid
James Nestor 'Breath': Breathing excersises for beginners
Buteyko method

Simple Breathing/relaxation excersise:
Feel where you are connected (the chair, the floor& your back, back of legs and feet etc) Breath naturally and focus on how the air feels, what do you notice? How do you feel Take a minute or so to calm breathes thinking about the breath, the air flow and where it goes Slow it down as you go. Think of where there is frustration, blocks or pain in your body And now as you breath in deeply, visualise sending that air to those areas Visualise it washing over the area, melting or clearing, massaging (whatever comes to your mind).

This is a little breathing excersise my Dr first showed me and we've used a version on the health coaching course. The te-reo course I'm on starts the class with this which is cool- I often feel sleepy after :D but better than anxious!
Its really awesome these are something anyone can do (kids can easily get into it). My 4yr old did this when he was really sick of course it didn't get rid of the sickness! But it helped him calm himself and feel less scared about the tummy pain, it gave him a little control. I tried it with him on a whim totally ready to fail and fair enough! He was sick and in pain!- but he took it and ran with it much to our shock and when we heard a tiny "I can do this" followed by a big spew! He was so proud of himself and relieved. I was like "woah" that freaking helped and blown away at this little tiny human committing to it!

Feel like trying it out?
Ōrongo guided relaxation breathing: Rongo
Ōrongo guided breathing: Tāwhiri

Caution if pregnant (your midwife will have more info) or suffering from asthma or any heart/lung issue seek professional guidance on this before trying.

Performance breathing

Artist @nikaugabriel has a great breathing highlight, from her time as a high performance soccer player! just search her highlight reels section & bonus admire the amazing mahi toi!

Guided nose breathing session
